Digital Forensic Experts

I-Soft is a leading provider in the digital forensics industry, specializing primarily in criminal defense and family law investigations. With a comprehensive suite of proven digital forensic capabilities, including mobile phone forensics, computer forensics, and cell site analysis, we are engaged in a wide range of investigations. Our ISO 17025 accredited digital forensics laboratory assures our clients of our technical competence, impartiality, and the ability to generate valid results aligned with the highest standards required by the Criminal Justice System. We operate under the Forensic Science Regulator’s Codes of Practice and Conduct, ensuring that our personnel adhere to the Code of Conduct for forensic practitioners. Following legal aid rates, we possess the expertise to recover, analyze, and report digital evidence effectively.

Our Digital Forensic Services

Vulnerability Scan

Computer Forensic

Computer forensics involves the extraction and analysis of electronically stored information (ESI) from devices such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and hard drives. With computers being integral to daily life, the digital evidence that can be recovered is crucial in a variety of criminal, civil, and corporate investigations.

Vulnerability Scan

Mobile Phone Forensic

Mobile phone forensics has become more prevalent, with smartphone devices increasing in performance, data storage capacity and overall capabilities. Operating across the UK, Ireland and internationally, our digital forensic investigators are specialists in mobile phone investigations.We preserve, extract, analyse and reports.


Cell Site Analysis

CYFOR is an industry-leading authority in cell site analysis, having one of the largest teams of cell site experts in the UK with over 40 years of combined experience in criminal investigations. With extensive legal knowledge, sophisticated surveying equipment and technical excellence, alongside high-quality customer service, CYFOR assists law firms and local authorities.

Vulnerability Scan

Digital Media Forensic

It’s commonplace for computers and mobile phones to be investigated by digital forensic experts, for use in criminal defence and prosecution cases. However, there is a range of more obscure investigative techniques that as a criminal solicitor, you may not be aware of. The large quantities of data contained within social media profiles can often be vital to an investigation, whether it’s law enforcement, criminal defence or for an internal investigation within a business.

Vulnerability Scan

Data Recovery

I-Soft understand how important your data is and the wider commercial implications of data recovery, including the potential cost and disruption to a business. Since 2002, we have operated a team of highly qualified digital forensic professionals, who recover data using forensically sound methodology. We operate at the leading edge of data recovery technology and provide services directly to criminal and civil law firms, corporate businesses, SMEs, regulatory bodies and private individuals.


Indecent Imagery

IIOC or Indecent Images of Children is becoming more prevalent. Being accused of a sexual offence undoubtedly has devastating consequences. Society’s view of these offenders is such that the presumption of being innocent until proven guilty often seems, in reality, to be reversed. Most cases of this type result from the discovery of indecent pictures or images of children on a computer.

Vulnerability Scan

Expert Witness Service

As digital forensic professionals, I-Soft is frequently called upon by courts of law to provide expert witness testimonies in legally aided and civil dispute matters. In this role, we may be instructed by either the defense or prosecution in criminal and fraud cases, or by the legal team for the claimant or respondent in civil litigation. There are also instances where the court may instruct an I-Soft expert witness to serve as the Single Joint Expert (SJE), preparing a report on behalf of two or more parties.

Vulnerability Scan

Onsite Investigation

Onsite investigations are critical when the imaging of computers and associated media need to be considered, especially in all cases where further investigation or disclosure may be required. Capturing this data using forensically sound methodology is vital if the integrity of any subsequent investigation is to be maintained. I-Soft has extensive experience capturing and collecting data from all types of media. Our team operates globally, often travelling at short notice to ensure that a complete set of onsite data is recovered


Incident Response

I-Soft have a fully security cleared Incident Response Team, who are comprised of ex-military and ex-law enforcement professionals who are on standby to respond to incidents. They are experienced in responding to search & seize orders, last-minute instructions and data recovery using forensically sound methodology. Operating internationally, we provide a fast and effective response to ensure the preservation of evidence, which is critical to the success of any investigation where digital evidence is scrutinised.

Why I-Soft

Call us today and speak with a Digital Forensics Specialist

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