
Home - Security Operations & Monitoring - How iSoft Can Achieve Tisax Certification For Your Business

How iSoft Can Achieve Tisax Certification For Your Business

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The information security assessment and exchange system of the automotive industry is called TISAX or Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange.

TISAX certification not only improves security and transparency but also facilitates the sharing of evaluation results with partners and suppliers through an online platform. Today we will discuss how iSoft, a leading IT security company can achieve tisax certification for your business.

Steps involved in achieving Tisax Certification

  • Initial Assessment

iSoft evaluates your organization’s current state of information security at the initial step. They compare your current policies, procedures, and controls with the TISAX requirements. This gap analysis assists in determining areas that require enhancement to align with TISAX requirements.

  • Customized Roadmap Development

From this preliminary evaluation, iSoft develops a specific strategic plan for your enterprise. This plan includes the activities, time frames, and resources that will be needed to close the gaps to meet TISAX requirements.

  • Policy and Procedure Development

iSoft helps in creating or modifying Information Security policies and guidelines to meet the TISAX standards. This includes developing documentation for risk management, access control, incident handling, and other essential procedures.

  • Implementation of Security Controls

The IT security specialists at iSoft assist in implementing the technical and organizational measures needed for TISAX compliance. This includes improving the network security, encryption measures and also developing secure data management procedures.

  • Employee Training and Awareness

iSoft creates and implements awareness sessions so that your staff knows about TISAX and their responsibilities regarding information security.

  • Internal Audits and Readiness Assessment

In order to meet all the requirements before the official TISAX assessment, iSoft performs internal audits. They carry out a readiness evaluation to determine any other gaps that may be present.

  • TISAX Assessment Support

iSoft guides you through the TISAX assessment process and helps to prepare documents and evidence. They also coordinate with the TISAX auditors to ensure smooth communication.

  • Continuous Improvement and Maintenance

After the assessment of TISAX certification, iSoft offers support to ensure that it remains compliant. They assist in the development of procedures for ongoing monitoring, regular security audits, and updates.


Working with a reliable IT security company like iSoft is beneficial for your business in many ways. Besides TISAX, iSoft can also help you achieve ISO 27001 Certification. You can contact them from their official website to strengthen your cybersecurity.

Benefits of TISAX Certification:

Enhanced Security Standards: Ensures that sensitive data is protected at all levels, reducing the risk of breaches.
Streamlined Partner Collaboration: Certified companies can share their audit results with automotive partners, simplifying the supply chain processes.
Compliance with International Standards: TISAX is aligned with recognized standards like ISO/IEC 27001, making it easier for companies to comply with global regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who Needs TISAX Certification?

A: Any company within the automotive supply chain that deals with sensitive information or is connected to OEM systems needs TISAX certification.

  • Automotive Manufacturers: To ensure data security in design and production.
  • Suppliers and Partners: In the automotive industry, including those handling prototypes, sensitive data, or third-party vendors.
  • Service Providers: Offering IT services, product development, or consulting in the automotive sector.

Q: For how long is TISAX certification valid?

A: TISAX certification usually has a validity period of three years, and after this period, it needs to be renewed.

Q: What are the main assessment levels in TISAX?

A: TISAX has three assessment levels: AL1 (self-assessment), AL2 (high protection needs), and AL3 (very high protection needs).

Q: Is it possible to replace ISO 27001 certification with TISAX?

A: It is important to note that TISAX and ISO 27001 Certification are two different certifications and one cannot be substituted for the other.

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Imran Rasheed CEO & Founder
Imran Rasheed is a Chief Information Security Officer dedicated to developing innovative solutions for organizations and governments through his expertise. He has worked in blue-chip companies and has experience in different finance sectors. Nevertheless, he mentors young professionals in his free time to help them achieve their career goals and dreams.

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